The horses and donkeys at H.O.P.E. Acres Rescue arrive in several different ways. We work with local authorities and organizations including animal control and area humane societies. Some of our rescues are surrendered by their owners for various reasons.
We have had up to 24 horses on the farm at one time. The average stay is 1.5 years while they rest, recover, and the right new home is found for them. You can view all of the rescue horses currently on the farm below.
If you would like to sponsor an individual horse, you will find a link to do so on the horse's individual page. More information about sponsorships can be found on our Sponsorship page.
The cost to care for one rescue is between $200 – $250 a month, barring no extreme medical issues are present. Your contributions help us continue to aid our rescues. If you would like to make a monetary gift, you can do so below. Your generosity, no matter the size, will make a difference in the life of a horse. Your contribution is tax deductible and will go directly to the rehabilitation and care of these amazing creatures.
We consider a horse rideable if they are physically sound, but the level of training the horse has had and the experience required by the rider will vary. When a new horse arrives at the farm, we evaluate their knowledge and in some cases have a trainer work with them to get them started under saddle. We strongly encourage individuals interested in adopting to talk to our trainers about the horse's progress and to seek out a trainer of their own to continue the process.
Some of our horses are more suited to light riding and exercise due to age or previous injuries.
Available Companion Equines
Some of our rescues are not rideable for various reasons, whether it be age or an injury, but make excellent pasture mates.
Part of rescue involves making assessments of each animal to determine their likeliness to be adopted to a forever home. Occasionally our consensus is to provide that forever home to the horse at H.O.P.E. Acres. The horses that are offered a life-long stay are unique ones who need long term medical care, treatment of life threatening illness, a life of leisure due to age or inability to take a rider because of physical or medical limitations. This is part of our commitment to ensure those who have suffered neglect, abuse or tragedy in their lives never again find themselves in harms way, without the care that they need and deserve. There is never a guarantee upon intake that these beautiful souls will find a family capable or well-suited to provide this, so our decision to take a rescue includes that forever care when necessary.